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Heart Open in Positive Embrace
HOPE is composed of two sets of five flowers each, belonging to the Legume (also called Papilionaceae or Fabaceae) and Rose (Rosaceae) botanical families of plants. As a whole, the directional forces of these two families are complimentary: working from above to below and from below to above.
The Legumes work from the cosmic heights into earthly matter. Their flowers resemble winged butterflies that have established homes on earth. They bring the air or astral substance of higher worlds into communion with denser earth substance, thus enabling their leavening force to work as a beneficent cosmic influence. This is particularly true regarding their nitrogen-fixing capacities, which in turn create more fertile soil. Many of these flowers form enclosed pods-air-filled inner spaces wherein the astral air element is ensouled, creating a home for future seed propagation. In the soul terrain, the legume flower essences help higher ideals to connect and anchor to earthly affairs. This pertains especially to the capacity to inform social and community values and the sense of home and commitment to one's place on earth beyond purely personal or egoic needs.
On the other hand, the Roses represent a fierce aspect of will that is ignited from deep within the terrain of the earth. The roots of most members of the Rose family delve powerfully into the soil and many members also bear sharp, penetrating thorns; yet the ascended colors and aromas of Rose family plants are ethereally sublime and sweet. As a whole, the Rose family awakens and activates the heart as it strives to rise beyond personal pain, anger, or other lower desires and challenges. The typical five-pointed star blossoms of the Rose Family suggest the form of the whole human body centered in the heart, as it strives upward. Within the human soul, the Rose family flower essences work to cleanse the desire forces within the personal will. These impulses are guided toward higher ideals including those of love, sublimation, and service. As whole, the Rose flower essences are rising, radiant flames, shaping Earth-Will-Fire into luminous, heavenly Stars of Heart-Love.
These upward and downward streams of the Legumes and Roses are further moderated and guided through the alchemical balance point of the extraordinary Bird's Eye Gilia, a flower still in the research status but indicating unique and intriguing healing qualities for today's soul challenges.
Indications for Use:
- To strengthen the soul's commitment for the future when weighed down by uncertainty or anxiety
- To find positive meaning, value, and "forward hope" even when outer conditions seem dire
- When feeling numb, paralyzed, or alienated regarding one's feelings of self-worth and ability to make a positive impact in the world
- When lacking direction or feeling apathic about one's place on earth or service to larger community; to gain meaning and momentum in one's life actions
- To counteract negative forces of pessimism, cynicism, or overly critical stances toward social and community endeavors; engagement of the heart in positive thinking and doing
- When feeling isolated, overly self-concerned, or otherwise retreating rather than acting and serving in one's community, family, or other social structure
HOPE contains:
- Fabaceae: Scotch Broom, Lupine, Redbud, Red Clover, Sweet Pea
- Rosaceae: Bird's Eye Gilia, California Wild Rose, Hawthorn, Downy Avens, Green Rose, Lady's Mantle
- Essential oils: Orange, Rose, Cistus
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